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Theatre workshop

Theatre is a way to express, to know and to discover. Theatre is the door to get know yourself and the others.

The aims of the theatre workshop are:


  • Help the group to reach cohesion.

  • Improve the tolerance, the respect and the comprehension between the group’s members.

  • Help the knowledge of the self, the evaluation of the own potentialities and limits.

  • Develop the social, the physical and the verbal skills.

  • Support the spontaneity, the use of the imagination and the capacity to play.

  • Increase the knowledge of people, places and times different from our own.

We practice several exercises to improve your confidence with the others, the attention of the environment, the sense of rhythm, the creative mind, the memorization, and, of course, the act of improvisation and the acting based on text.


organized by Gabriele Occhiodoro

4th September - Ongoing

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